Saturday, January 26, 2008

Exciting Events of the Weekend

So, last night Erin and I were sitting around, doing homework, and watching an older movie that we borrowed from the Provo Library (see previous post). Things had been kind of odd the past 24 hours, the internet had stopped working and it seemed like the entire router downstairs had blown out. Also, the heat hadn't been on in the past day or so. But that is nothing new. Since we live in basically a redone garage, the guys upstairs have control over the heating, and often they feel warm when we feel cold. So, life was going on, when about 11 oclock we got a knock on the door. The weird thing was, the night before we thought we got a knock on the door late at night, but when I got to the door no one was there. Anyways, I answer the door, and who is it but one of our upstairs neighbors with some news for us! As it turns out, there are two circuits of electricity running through our house. One goes through our apartment and through the couple's apartment downstairs while the other goes through the laundry room and guy's apartment upstairs. The guy's circuit for some reason decided to go kaput on them yesterday. So they have no electricity on their circuit anywhere. This explained all our weird experiences—the death of the circuit caused the router to go kaput and die, since the router was hooked up in the laundry room. Also, they no longer had control of the heating, so we felt the chilly aftereffects. We knew nothing of this, because of course our electricity and everything was working fine! So we talked for a while, we brought them hot chocolate and put some of their perishable food in our fridge. Granted this threw quite a loop into today's activities. It was supposed to be our Saturday laundry day, but with no power in the laundry room, the washers and dryers were effectively ineffective. So, we ended up taking our 3 or 4 loads of laundry to both of Erin's grandparents, spent a lot of time in the afternoon doing the loads, and carrying them back and forth, and it was a great adventure! Then tonight we visited Erin's cousin Mark and his new wife Amber. Don't worry, 1st wife, and they'll have been married one month on Tuesday. Yay for newlyweds! Fun times! Ok I'm done.

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